

Blog Posts about YouTube

Does your business use YouTube? Should you?

There are lots of factors, for and against, worth considering investing in a YouTube Marketing Strategy.

We used our YouTube channel extensively from 2016 to Q3 2019... and it has continued to gain followers ever since.

The content we created was useful when published and persists in being helpful to this day.

We've used these videos in our website, and in email marketing to clients and as part of our sales process, i.e. Digital Marketing Plans and Digital Marketing Proposals, ever since.

Could we do more? Yes.

Shall we do more? Maybe. The pause has been good as we've drilled down on other opportunities that deliver better returns.

This is our data-driven approach to Digital Marketing manifest in our own work. Do something, do it well, and then learn what channels really work for you and your audience.

If you want help with YouTube Marketing and Video Production for your business get in touch.

Start with a FREE Strategy Call with a Digital Marketing Strategist. Learn what action we'd take if we were in your shoes.
Let's Talk YouTube

Articles about YouTube

March 13, 2018
What are YouTube SEO Ranking Factors You Need to Know

You may find this hard to believe, but YouTube is the second biggest search engine right behind Google, and we all know that is saying something important. Every minute, there are […]