

September 19, 2012
Capt'n Matt Cutts!

We would like to thank Matt Cutts for getting involved in Matter Solutions'  Talk Like a Pirate Day in aid of Childhood Cancer Support. Matt you have won best costume 😉

September 19, 2012
Arr... me 'arty's!!!

It's been business as usual at Matter Solutions HQ today...! Although we are always happy to jump on board with any hair brained plot or excuse to dress up... there was […]

September 17, 2012
World – meet Brian the Badger!

Brian has been our office mascot for a few years now. We initially introduced him to the world as part of an experiment to prove that you can rank in Google […]

September 14, 2012
Ten Creative Link-Building Techniques

Got Links? The recent Google updates have caused SEO to evolve into more of a collaborative inbound marketing effort. We all know the drill “Content is King”, however we mustn’t forget […]

September 11, 2012
Green-Fingered Girls

As you see at Matter Solutions Emma and Abbey have been busy preparing the garden for summer! Hotter days and evenings are approaching so this is the perfect time to revamp […]

September 7, 2012
How do we stop the Trolls?

The issue of cyber-bullying and internet ‘trolling’ is currently a hot discussion topic online and in the media. A troll is: “someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online […]

September 6, 2012
Fixing Issues With Duplicate Content

Many website owners and web marketers are aware that duplicate content is seen as an issue with search engines such as Google. ASIDE - Related tip: How to Fix Duplicate Content […]

August 31, 2012
Top SEO “Rookie” Mistakes

SEO can be sometimes tricky even for experienced professionals, when you’re a rookie you’re bound to run into a few teething problems along the way. My “Rookie” mistake was when I […]

August 30, 2012
WordPress - Changing the on page title without renaming the page

From working with an in house SEO team, I regularly get asked about changing particular sections of text within WordPress sites, the answer usually lies within an excerpt, a widget or […]

August 28, 2012
Introduction To Attribution Modelling

Since the addition of Multi-Channel Funnels to the Google Analytics, API companies have been able to create insightful dashboards which show return on investment metrics worthy of a CMO's approval. Mazeberry […]

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