Here are some reasons why businesses find blogging so difficult, and what you can do about it:
Blogging is a great thing any business can do for their website. B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month compared to those who don’t. Furthermore, businesses that blog have 434% more indexed pages. That’s definitely some incentive to start blogging!
So then, why is blogging so hard?
Sometimes it’s hard to maintain a blog for your business when you’re trying to balance every other aspect of the business. A demanding client will often come before a blog post for your business. You can’t tell a client to wait, but you can make your blog post wait. Often, blogging isn’t the top priority for a business and may not have the highest ROI.
To avoid the busy excuse, block out a time on your calendar that will just be dedicated to blogging. Make this a frequent booking, one every week, fortnight, month. Whatever frequency works for you. Don’t book any clients or meetings, just sit down and write. Booking out a time will mean you’re more likely to honor that commitment and get the job done.
If you’re in a specialist or niche area, then it might be hard to keep coming up with different ideas to write content about. If your market is oversaturated, it’s hard to make your posts different and stand out.
If you’re stuck on what to write about, here’s a simple tip to help you out: write a list. On Excel, on Word, on your notepad, wherever. Just keep writing down blog ideas. You’ll eventually see your list of ideas grow. The existing ideas may even serve as inspiration to new ideas. Keep revisiting this list frequently and adding topics.
Everyone has days where they just want to stay in bed and not go to work. Same goes for blogging. Sometimes it seems like there’s nothing worse than having to sit down and write a blog post.
Here’s a few tips to get that motivation back:
You’ve decided on how much content is going to be produced for your blog each month, and how frequently it will be published. You sit down to write and realize you’ve overcommitted yourself, and there’s no way you’ll get all the blog posts done as well as handle business.
When you’re blogging, it’s important to ensure you’ve got a timetable of how frequent you are going to publish content. Every week, fortnight, month, it doesn’t matter. Once you’ve decided how often you are going to write and how much content you will produce, stick to this timeframe. That’s why it’s so important to get this right before you commit. If you’re producing lots of content, but don’t have the time or resources, chances are you’ll end up with poor, sloppy content. In some cases, it’s better to produce less content, but ensure it’s of a higher standard.
So just remember a few things about blogging: