April 29, 2016

New Advertising Initiative From Facebook

Published: 29 April 2016 

Facebook has offered a pretty comprehensive advertising service for a long while now, competing with Google for your advertising dollars. While this system is comprehensive, targeted and in many cases very effective, for certain select advertisers it’s about to get a whole lot more personal.

Facebook is launching a new initiative to help advertisers manage their campaigns. This isn’t just a bunch of online tutorials, or even a virtual assistant in the vein of Siri or Cortana - Facebook is giving advertisers access to “Marketing Experts” - if they’re deemed worthy of course.

This all sounds very altruistic, and it is. Perhaps the motivation is more about making Facebook’s advertising platform more attractive compared to its competitors that it is about making things better for clients, but it’s a very useful tool nonetheless

In messages that only just started going out today, newly minted Marketing Experts describe the service:


This simple email tells us a fair bit about the new service and what it offers advertisers. Basically, this is all about keeping targets on track. Facebook doesn’t want you missing your objectives and deciding that the return you’re seeing isn’t worth the investment. Keeping high value advertisers on board is the motivation behind the implementation.

“High Value” is the key phrase in that sentence - this isn’t a feature that every Tom, Dick and Harry is going to have access to. Facebook knows who the advertisers who matter are, and it’s these big spenders they’re interested in.

These changes come amidst some very positive corporate news for Facebook. Their share price jumped significantly yesterday after they reported stellar ad revenue for the quarter of over $5 billion. The new initiative shows that Facebook is determined not to let these incredible results slip. With Facebook outperforming other tech giants such as Google and Apple over recent months, it will be interesting to see how their advertising platform continues to evolve moving forward. We’ll keep our finger on the pulse and post an update once some data starts to emerge for how effective this new initiative is for the clients able to enjoy it.

Ben Maden

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