
Fun Stuff

Blog Posts about Fun Stuff

Do you have fun at work?


We first decided to incorporate fun into our work in 2010... 10 years after the business began!

It became a core part of the way we do business. Here are some fun blog posts about our work, the things we enjoy. Maybe they'll help you learn about us as a team and who we are.

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Articles about Fun Stuff

February 6, 2018
How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Can Increase Customer Engagement

Both augmented reality and virtual reality are technologies that are proving to be very popular among consumers, and offer unique opportunities for innovations in a variety of different contexts. Augmented reality […]

December 22, 2017
20 Office Exercises We Do in Secret

Are you one of the millions of people with a desk job? While you may seem busy working away, the inactivity your body faces by sitting down all day is actually […]

April 3, 2017
20 Of The Best April Fool's Jokes

April Fool’s Day has come and gone for another year, so what better time to look back at the best April Fool’s pranks from the last few years in the world […]

February 7, 2017
Matter Solutions' Staff Coffee Orders

Here at Matter Solutions, going for a coffee run in the morning is a pretty regular occurrence. Some of our staff just seem to function at their best after having a […]

December 27, 2016
Pros and cons of working with you significant other

If you live in Brisbane and you and your significant other work in the same industry, chances are you could end up working together. If you work in a niche area, […]

November 4, 2016
Could Google Actually Rig An Election?

With the American election fast approaching, the campaigning is getting heavy. This has resulted in claims throughout the year that the campaign is rigged, and Google is helping. So with that […]

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