
Inbound Marketing

Blog Posts about Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Brisbane

Our Brisbane based team of Digital Marketing experts provide a range of services that bring your business in contact with potential customers.

The goals is encourage those potentials customers into your business, hence INBOUND MARKETING, and is in direct contrast to outbound marketing.

The term was popularised by HubSpot, a Marketing Automation platform based in Boston, USA.

After attending Mozcon (an SEO Conference in Seattle) in 2012 Ben (our founder) changed the entire approach to Web Design, SEO, Content Marketing and even Google Ad Management, to make them work closely together with Inbound visits that convert into Leads or Sales as the goal.

What makes Matter Solutions great at Inbound Marketing?

We've been doing "inbound" for a long time, and it is second nature. We're always focused on the KPIs that matter.


  1. We're action oriented to we can get cracking with an immediate need, or a service you need help with, AND...
  2. ...we have strategic minds. We can help you research, plan and execute a comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy over the medium and long-term to deliver and sustain continued growth and progress.
Book a call back from a leading Digital Marketing Strategist
Learn what action we'd take if we were in your shoes.


Using a 3-step process, our team identify and focus on “inbound channels” that your future customers use regularly, allowing you to communicate and sell to more of your customers.

For example, if we find that your best method of generating business is by capturing an audience through Twitter, then we can focus most of our efforts there.

If your customers use search engines to find what they are looking for, then we engage SEO.

Inbound Marketing is a waste reduction option. We find what works and do just that until it is working at maximum efficiency and then expand from this position of strength.

1. Identifying Your Effective Inbound Channels

By researching the competition, listening to you, using common sense and our experience and a little bit of trial and error, we find and work on the inbound channels that are most effective for your business.

These could be common channels such as social media and search engines including unconventional options like Podcasts, Online Magazines, white papers and even real world (offline) marketing.

When we find the channel that works best for your business, we tighten the screws on it, refine the process and make it work for you.

2. Making it Work for You

This part of the process depends on what type of inbound channel we focus on.

If SEO is the inbound channel for you, then making it work would be getting your page ranking, not just for any phrases, but for the right phrases.

  • Keyword analysis is undertaken to find where the majority of qualified traffic is.
  • We then create onsite and offsite content in the form of blogs, video, infographics and other multimedia that is geared to be highly social, highly shareable and linkworthy.
  • This is because links are the foundation on which Google bases a large part of its calculation for page rankings.

The Matter Solutions approach to Search Engine Optimisation is discussed on our SEO and SEO Brisbane pages.

If your inbound channel is social media, then the aim would be to gather an attached social media community (likers, followers etc.) with a view to becoming linked with people who are highly influential in your market.

  • As with SEO, the way to approach it is by creating content that resonates.
  • This might include interesting video, infographics, academic articles, etc. that not only appeal to the potential customers but also to your colleagues, competitors and market leaders.
  • Getting this shareable and link-ability factor into the content is key.
  • If you can get your competitors sharing your content, that’s when you know your content is great... and really working well.

3. Refine, Repeat and Respond

Once we have your most effective inbound channels identified and working for you, we create a system to maintain it. In this way, you can respond to trends and move your focus to other potential inbound channels, gathering even more traffic and business from a position of strength.

There are many more factors that need to be considered when developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

We’ll go through all those options with you during the planning process, so that you can be sure you’ve got the best possible strategy to target your ideal customers and their influencers.

Want to talk with our Digital Marketing Strategist? Complete the form, check your email, click the link, pick a time.

Articles about Inbound Marketing

February 24, 2014
Get a Video Studio Makeover

What we learned about soundproofing, acoustic treatment and more Over the past year, our video production capabilities here at Matter Solutions have grown from a modest studio set up to a […]

February 13, 2014
Blogging for Growth

The benefits of blogging for your business are awesome - don’t take my word for it, try it and see for yourself. However, you have to get it right or you’ll […]

February 10, 2014
Advertising… cutting the waste and increasing accountability.

There’s a saying in “traditional” media advertising (TV, print, radio) that goes: “only 50% of all advertising works. If you can find out which 50%, you’ve got it made.” The point […]

October 29, 2013
Copywriting with CRO in Mind

Getting traffic to your website is one thing, converting that traffic into customers is another. If your website does not have enough persuasive power, you can kiss your page visitors goodbye […]

October 11, 2013
Why Blogging on Your Website Matters

Maintaining a blog on your website takes time and effort, and water is wet! Yes, we've stated the obvious, twice! But, a lot of people senior managers think and (worst of […]

October 2, 2013
Google Hummingbird and Inbound Marketing

  So Google have rolled out another animal themed algorithm change, the lightly named "Hummingbird." Digital marketers and SEOs the world over held their breaths with anticipation when news came out […]