
Setting Up CallRail – A Practical Guide

Difficulty: Intermediate
This guide will walk you through the CallRail tool. Read on to find out what it can offer you and how to implement it right now.

Thoughts & Considerations

CallRail allows you to collect data and analytics from phone leads.

This supports data-driven marketing allowing us to optimise the performance of clients advertising campaigns, increase sales effectiveness, and improve customer retention. It lets us see a host of valuable information:

  • What pages users are actioning a call from
  • How long they spend on your website before calling
  • Even recording keywords that are mentioned during conversation

This guide has been broken down into three main sections:

  1. Why CallRail is valuable
  2. The process of setting the service up
  3. Real Examples of Data Collected

Why CallRail is such a Valuable Tool

Lots of Data

Accurate data and conversion metrics are almost always near the top of any marketer’s priority list. It’s what allows us to see what’s profitable, and what’s failing. CallRail allows us to have a more complete picture of how a company is generating leads.

What can I expect?

With CallRail you can expect more accurate data, more leads, more conversions and a deeper insight into your audience.


Linking into the tools and systems you already use in your digital marketing is extremely useful but best of all the actual linking is extremely easy (in most cases).
WordPress - most of the websites we work on are built on WordPress. 

The WordPress plugin from Call Rail is easy to download, install and configure. 

Download the CallRail plugin for WordPress here. More details about how to set this up are outlined below.
Google Analytics - CallRail triggers "Events" labelled as "phone calls" in a category of "Phone".

All you have to do is set up an Event based Goal inside Google Analytics with the category “Phone”. 

This will log all CallRail phone calls as trackable goals. It is that easy!
Google Ads - Track phone calls as conversions inside Google AdWords. This makes it simple to see which keywords are converting to visits and calls, i.e. giving you a "cost per lead call". 

Reducing the spend on poor performers and focus on the best returns will improve your campaign effectiveness.
Hubspot - View phone calls as events inside Hubspot. You can also have contact records (and phone calls) created automatically for each phone lead. 

You can dig deeper to record in Hubspot what page the potential customer was viewing when they called... this can be connect to Automations e.g. sending the customer an email about that page.
There are plenty of other integrations – Others we like include Slack, Zapier, Instagram and Facebook Ads. The CallRail website has a full list of possible integrations.
CallRail Integrations 
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Setting Up CallRail

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1. Why CallRail is a Valuable Tool

Lots of Data

Accurate data and conversion metrics are almost always near the top of any marketer’s priority list. It’s what allows us to see what’s profitable, and what’s failing. CallRail allows us to have a more complete picture of how a company is generating leads.

What Can I expect?

With CallRail you can expect more accurate data, more leads, more conversions and a deeper insight into your audience.


1. Keep it simple

Source: Buffer

This is advice that writers are told all the time – keep it simple. This goes for social media ads as well. After all, when you have to make an impression quickly, you don’t want to risk people not being able to understand your copy. If it’s too confusing, people won’t want to engage with your ad, and you won’t receive any clicks.

2. Have all your text displayed

When you’re advertising on Facebook, often some of the text will be cut off, forcing users to press the “see more” button. However, not everyone is going to want to do that, especially when they’re in a rush. If the best part of your ad is cut off, you risk losing customers. Make sure your copy is short enough to all be featured in your Facebook ads. If any text is unnecessary, get rid of it.

3. Come up with a powerful headline

Source: Impact

With social media ads, you’re limited by how much text you can include. It is often the headline that will grab the attention of the users. You want to make sure this is concise and as attention-grabbing as possible. You can do this by using assertive and powerful words within your headline. This will help people to action your ad.

4. Talk to your audience

When you’re writing copy for an ad on social media, you want to make sure you’re directly addressing your audience. You can do this by making your ads more personal. This isn’t overly complicated to do. Simply make your language more direct by including “you” in your heading or descriptive text. This makes the ad appear to appeal to the individual, rather than at a group of people.

5. Include a call to action

Does your copy make it clear what you want people to do, or what they will get out of your ad? Does it outline what benefit they will receive? If people aren’t sure what to expect from your ad, they’re not going to click nor trust your brand. The trust will decline further if your headline and copy are click bait and don’t actually deliver on what is said. Make sure you always include a clear call to action which delivers.

6. Test your ad

Source: AdEspresso

You may think you’ve created a masterpiece of an ad, but when it goes live it fails to achieve the results you were hoping for. This scenario can be avoided if you do some testing prior to investing time and money into your social media ads. Consider publishing your ads organically as a way to test the quality of the copy. If it responds well organically, it’s a good sign that it will be successful as a paid ad too.

Once you’re paying for the ads, it’s a good idea to undertake A/B testing. This allows you to publish different variations of the same ad. You can tweak the headline, the description, and even the image to see which one achieves the better result. Doing this allows you to run your campaign with the copy that will be the most successful.

Writing great copy for social ads doesn’t have to be difficult. Following these tips will help you to improve the copy of your ad, and therefore experience an increase in clicks and traffic flow to your website.

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