Your businesses website is all built, it’s up and running, all the hard work is over right? It’s not as easy as that. If you’re considering building a website with WordPress, or already have one, you also have to factor in whether you can manage once it’s functional. The website on it’s own isn’t going to generate sales.
Fortunately, creating and producing content with WordPress is a fairly straightforward task. That is the easy part. The hard part is actually having the time to commit to writing a specified amount of blog posts per day, week or month. Your original content will generate leads that could potentially become conversions. You will need to consider a few things:
When you’re managing your own WordPress website, you’ll want to keep it as functional as possible and minimize its security threat. You don’t want to end up with a broken or hacked website. Security plugins such as iThemes Security will help increase your website’s level of security. However, there are a few extra ways in which you can minimize your risk of being hacked.
Premium themes and plugins cost money that some people just don’t want to spend. It’s therefore very tempting to pirate a theme or plugin and install it for free. However this raises your risk of having downloaded a malicious theme or plugin and raising your risk of being hacked or having software on your computer. It’s best to make sure you’re only downloading themes and plugins from a reputable source. If you’re not sure, you can ask other WordPress users for a good source to download from. It’s a good idea to research a plugin or theme before downloading. There are 1,305 WordPress plugins vulnerabilities. When looking at the top 10 most vulnerable WordPress plugins, 5 were commercial, and one was even a WordPress security plugin.
Reporting is a vital tool when trying to improve your SEO and website. Analyzing your report data will allow you to see how many people are viewing your website, their demographics, where they have been on your website and at what point they left your website. This will allow you to optimize your website and marketing campaigns to gain more conversions. If you’re not undertaking frequent reporting, you could be targeting the wrong demographics and be missing out on potential sales. Reporting tools you need to be using for your WordPress website are
If something goes wrong, you’ll have peace of mind if your website is backed up. If it get hacked or you accidentally break your website, all you need to do is refer to the backup. If your WordPress website isn’t backed up, you’re going to have problems.
Fortunately, you can install plugins which will backup your data. Some plugins worth installing are:
Make sure you download a backup plugin, and undertake backups frequently to avoid any future problems.
If you feel you are able to handle all the aspects of a WordPress website, then you will efficiently be able to manage your own website.