February 27, 2014

25 Questions you HAVE to ask your web designer: Number 8

Published: 27 February 2014 

It's not all about good looks, it's about design that works.

8. How do you measure the success of the websites you build?


There are many measures of success, and depending on who you’re talking to, they can all be quite different.

A traditional web designer will often consider a website a success on it’s design merits; does it look pretty? It’s important to remember though that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what you think looks great, might not do it for all of your visitors.

The design of your website should be less about what your favourite colour is, and more about function, purpose and usability. The true measure of a successful website is whether it adds value to your business.

Ben says:

The conversion rate – how many visitors turn into Leads or Sales? This is a simple percentage. It should be as high as possible. Clients often bring us websites that convert at 0-1%. We can usually deliver websites with conversion rates of 4-10% and then provide ongoing website optimisation services to increase this by experimentation using copywriting, design and web development.

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Ben Maden

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