




The website needed to showcase Procensol's services, solutions and ensure that potential clients could easily learn about these and the company quickly and easily.

Coming from an ageing non-responsive website there was a lot of work to be done, and we were only too happy to aid them in providing the right solution. Procensol's corporate global site needed to be a modern, mobile responsive website with the ability to build out page structures as required to support engaging content presentations. We were able to provide guidance and recommendations around optimising and converting visual content so that it presented clearly and could be easily consumed across small-screen devices.

Technologies Used

We used a range of technologies to build a high quality, professional website with the desired functionalities.179


Content Management System177


Javascript Task Runner178


CSS Pre-processing180


Multiple Content Types for WordPresstwo



The Result

The new design is professional and modern, aligns to the brand and lets the content stand out in the right places and in the right ways. The home page content hierarchy is clearly defined and allows visitors to find information about the services & solutions they are looking for easily and quickly, while also confirming the identity and capabilities of the Procensol upfront.

Do you need help like Procensol?

It took just a one phone call to work out how to help, and a follow-up meeting for us to present recommendations and get busy. 

Ben Maden

Read more posts by Ben Maden